We are taking on the challenge of realizing carbon neutrality by 2050.
We aim for a sustainable society while comprehensively promoting initiatives for a low-carbon and recycling-oriented society.
Reduction of CO2 emissions in production processes —CO2 Reduction Solution for Blast Furnace Ironmaking—
Contributing to Reduction of CO2 Emissions in the Automotive Field
We will improve energy efficiency and fuel efficiency in the transport field and ensure safety, security and prosperity in people’s lives.
Tighter environmental regulations have led to major changes around the world for large ships that are the backbone of marine transportation. Needs are increasing for better fuel economy and energy conservation in the operation of large ships.
Demand is growing for LNG-fueled ships, which have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional ships in response to tightening environmental regulations for SOx and NOx emissions. Kobe Steel has supplied a large number of compressors used in LNG-fueled ships and holds a large share of the market for these compressors. Through providing these products, we will continue to contribute to solutions for global issues.
Seeking to make effective use of limited resources, we are working to reduce the generation of waste and actively promoting recycling by increasing the added value of by-product materials from production processes and developing and introducing new applications. In fiscal 2020, the Group generated 3.2 million tons of by-product materials, with the steel and aluminum businesses ccounting for around 87%. We are also actively working to improve yield and reduce the use of by-product materials and have set a target of 99% for recycling of slag, dust, and sludge in fiscal 2025. Our recycling rate in fiscal 2020 was 98.7%. We will continue striving to achieve our target.
Resource recycling through technology, products, and services
Our plan targets the Japan Aluminum Association’s resource cycle indicator *:“The goal is to achieve a 30% reuse rate within 2030.“
We will contribute to the creation of an environment where people can continue to enjoy safe, secure, and prosperous lives through our technologies, products, and services that reduce environmental impact.
People’s health and living environments rely on the proper maintenance of waterworks infrastructure and disposal of waste.
Kobelco Eco-Solutions Co., Ltd. is operating businesses around the world for detoxifying PCBs, treating municipal waste, and treating water, both in water supply and wastewater. Through the water/waste treatment businesses, we contribute to securing safe water sources and the creation of sustainable communities.